Friday, July 8, 2011

Pen Pal Letters

Pinky and Chaos both have pen pals. They've had a lot of fun sending letters back and forth (and what a great way to work on handwriting!). We decided to send something a bit different to their pen pals this time.

Each of them wrote (or drew) their message on a blank puzzle. (Please don't mind the smudge areas - I blurred out each of the kids' names).

Then they took the puzzles apart and put them in the envelope. Their pen pals will have to put the puzzle together to read their messages!

Linking up to some of these great parties


RedTedArt said...

How lovely making your very own puzzles! Lots of fun I am sure!!

Thank you for linking to Kids Get Crafty!


Tammie said...

Love this idea! My son has a best friend that just moved away. What a great way for him to surprise his friend! Thanks for linking up on Red Ted Art's Blog. That is how I found you!

Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas said...

oh, this would be so fun to get in the mail! :)

Another fabulous idea! Hope to see you link up some of your fun to the Sunday Showcase - these are just too fun!


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