We began with Wild One's first First Start Reading Lesson on the letter M. I really enjoy the simplicity of these lessons and the fact that everything is done for me. Wild One was really excited to start her very own workbook too! She loves to write and draw - she will sit for hours and write letters and draw pictures - which is one of the reasons I chose this curriculum for her.
After she finished her lesson (it took us about 15 minutes), we began reading some books about magnets. I've done a magnet theme in the past for the older kids so it was fun to revisit some of our favorites. Some of the books and supplies we used are listed in the widget below (nonaffiliate links).
Before we kicked off our experiments with magnets though, I asked the kids if they wanted to keep a science journal. I want the focus of our studies to be on having fun and exposing them to science concepts, not on writing. Pinky in particular is not fond of writing, and I didn't want something like a science notebook to stand in the way of her participating and enjoying our lessons. They all agreed that they wanted a notebook, so I pulled together some free printables and made a couple of my own as well. I will let them choose when they want to use the notebooks and when they don't.
The cover of their journals is a free printable from Read Like a Rock Star on TpT.
Chaos, Wild One and Sprout are all using the the free printables from Memorizing the Moments.
In addition, I made an observation sheet for Chaos and Wild One to use while viewing experiments. Again, I wanted to focus on the science, so I chose to allow them to draw what they could see - something they both love. You can download this very simple page by clicking on the picture.
For Pinky, I created a page for her to write out a definition of the topic we are studying and to make predictions about what she thinks will happen. I also left room for her to draw a picture of what she sees. You can download this page by clicking on the picture.
Because we've done a unit on magnets already, we repeated a lot of activities. For that reason, I didn't really take pictures this week. Here are some pictures of our last magnet study. You can click on the pictures to learn more.
Some of our fun included:
A magnet sensory box:
Testing the strength of magnets (magnet "jumping"):
Painting with magnet marbles:
Discovering if magnets work when submerged in water:
We tried a few new things as well. Together Pinky, Chaos and myself read The Magic Schoolhouse Amazing Magnetism.

We also tried making a paper clip dance like Kaysha did on Memorizing the Moments.
It was a fun week and the kids were excited to be back in "Mommy School." I'm really excited to spend the summer diving into science with the kids!

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