I really need to get better soon though because if I spend much longer at my computer I'm going to plan myself enough projects to last until Sprout starts college.
But enough of that - want to see what will be arriving at my doorstep soon?
A layer cake of Moda's Giddy line (along with some yardage for sashing and borders):

I plan to make this adorable quilt for Sprout and, with the leftover fabric, two more travel bags for Wild One and Sprout.
A charm pack of Moda's Lollipop fabric:

I haven't 100% decided what I'm going to do with this fabric, but I'm leaning towards this quilt.
I've also joined a 9 patch quilt along on a craft board I frequent. Remember this fabric I bought awhile back?

I need to add a few more fat quarters to have enough, but I think this may be the first quilt I make just for me. I can't wait!
And there's one other little addiction that has been keeping me going while we're all sick (besides my fabric addiction that is). Have you heard of Pinterest? It's basically an online bulletin board to "pin" all of your favorite things. It's like visual bookmarks which is JUST what I need. Here's a link to my boards if you want to check them out. Feel free to email me for an invite to create your own too, but be warned, it's very addictive.
Pinterest Boards
The colors in your charm pack of Moda's Lollipop fabric is giving me heart palpatations! Seriously. I love every color in that mosaic. I could live the rest of my life with just those colors in the world. What a warm, lovely quilt that fabric will make.
Thank you! I love the fabric and color so much that I'm having reservations about cutting into it!
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